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Camillenchine, le blog d'une française à Pékin
Camillenchine, le blog d'une française à Pékin
Derniers commentaires
9 juillet 2006

The 3rd Beijing Bloggers Party: saturday 15th July!

La troisième Beijing Bloggers Party
aura lieu samedi 15 juillet à 21h30, au Drum and Bell.
Venez nombreux!

Nous attendons beaucoup de monde, dont des bloggers chinois, une première dans une bloggers party organisée par des français! Venez nombreux! Les Bloggers Parties sont ouvertes à tout le monde, bloggers, non-bloggers et leurs amis.
A lot of people will be there, and for the first time in a French Bloggers Party, some Chinese bloggers will join too! Bring your friends, everyone is welcome, bloggers, non-bloggers and so on.


C'est où ? Where?
Drum and Bell
41 Zhonglouwan Hutong, Dongcheng District

Boissons pas chères et adresse facile à trouver : sur le côté gauche de la petite place qui sépare la Tour du Tambour de la Tour de la Cloche.
Cheap drinks and it's easy to get there: on the left side of the small square between the Drum Tower and the Bell Tower.

Revivez en video les bons moments de la deuxième BBP ici.
You can live again on a video the 2d BBP's best moments by clicking here.

Sounds like fun. I'll stop by, though it's been so long since I updated my English blog - the URL I put in goes to my Chinese one - that I'm not sure if I still count as a blogger.
sharing experiences, welcoming newcomers in the city, and saying that bloggers are not geeks or lonely hearts who spent their life on their computers. And I hope Saturday it will be mixing nationalities too! Enjoy!
It's just a meeting. Good occasion to take a drink with mates too...
Great idea. I was just wondering what is the point of the meeting, or maybe that's just the point: to meet. Who knows. Anyway, sounds like it could be a bit of fun. Meeting a real blogger. I'll out me best pants (trousers) on.
Bon, je reposerai pas la question de savoir si des p'tits nouveaux peuvent venir, elle a ete posee plus haut...<br /> <br /> Donc pas d'excuse, sauf imprevu, on viendra!